Corporate Community, Growth and Alignment
As we start our journey to Wholeness, Integrity and Alignment with the Father as Jesus modelled in Luke 4-10 as a corporate community here are 9 tips and prayer points that will be beneficial to facilitate community growth and alignment corporately;
Prayer – All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer…. – Acts 1:14
It is important as believers that we devote ourselves to prayer, the early church prayed without ceasing which requires much sacrifice.
Testimony – But Peter and John replied, “You can judge for yourselves—is it better to listen to you or to God? It’s impossible for us to stop speaking about all the things we’ve seen and heard!”– Acts 4:19-20
Often the best witness is that of our own testimony, it allows us to connect with someone heart to heart so they can feel the amazing love of God and what he has done for us.
Community – All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship and to sharing in meals…..the sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need….and each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved Acts 2:42-47
Unity amongst brethren is a necessity and without Unity there is no community.
Evangelism Peter stood up with the eleven apostles and shouted to the crowd. Listen carefully, my fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem. You need to clearly understand what’s happening here. Acts 2:14
We need the boldness that peter had in his first sermon to the people to go and preach the good news to the lost.
The Word – So Philip ran to catch up. As he drew closer, he overheard the man reading from the scroll of Isaiah the prophet. Philip asked him, “Sir, do you understand what you’re reading?” Acts 8:30
It is important as believers to gather to study to the word of God together to work together to help each other with understanding.
Fasting – So after they had fasted and prayed, they laid hands on them and sent them off – Acts 13:3
There are some things that are only resolved with fasting and prayer. Corporately it is important to come together as we are now and fast for a SHIFT!!!
Don’t make it difficult! – “So, in my judgment, we should not add any unnecessary burden upon the non-Jewish converts who are turning to God. – Acts 15:19
It is essential to the growth of the kingdom that we don’t make it difficult for those coming to Christ. In the current climate where many struggles with identity, it is important for the body of Christ to make it easy and comfortable for all coming to Christ.
We should work to align our personal walks with the Father and what we say, what we do, who we are is as our Father intended us to be. Take these tips and apply them to your daily walk with God, reach out to lost and spend time with your brother and sister connecting face to face and heart to heart. (When lockdown allows! Lol)
Let’s Pray…
Most Gracious and Heavenly Father,
As we humble ourselves to fast and pray for a tremendous outpouring of your Spirit, I pray that you will continue to illuminate and transform your Word in our lives giving us divine authority over the power of darkness that resist the growth of the church community. May our willingness to submit to you give us wisdom to reach the lost at any cost. May we me mindful of the power of prayer as the early church was in devoting themselves to praying without ceasing. May we rise like Peter with boldness and without hesitation and preach. Let us be a beacon of light that those around us feel your love just by our presence. Father I ask for boldness to share our testimony with compassion and gentleness aligning us person to person and heart to heart as you intend. In Jesus name Amen.
By Tinee Harvey