FreshFire network.
FreshFire Network is a multi-faceted apostolic network that seeks to resource the wider Christian community as well as launch Apostolic Hubs and revival communities right across the planet through leadership training and development, supernatural consultancy, missions, projects, enterprises, music and media.
We have a passion to engage with the spheres of cultural influence to bring reformation to our nation through the work of apostles and prophets in the marketplace. With FreshFire functioning as an apostolic hub we can facilitate the commissioning and empowering of believers into the spheres of cultural influence.
The FreshFire Network also covers our work with orphans through Papa’s House, training leaders and revivalists as well as bringing healing and wholeness to the wider Christian community through the Restoration Centre.
As part of the apostolic call upon FreshFire, we provide consultancy and investment into churches, ministries and ministers who choose to align with our mission and purpose. We offer healthy apostolic fathering and support to churches who wish to draw from an apostolic-prophetic well, with a view to helping them come into unity and maturity in the faith according to Ephesians 4:11.
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