Let’s Join Together
Who likes the sound of their own voice, especially when they’re praying or singing out loud... not everyone....but why is that ? Maybe people think they’re being listened to, or being judged on their tone or their outward expression of their passion for Him. That’s one reason why some believers like loud Worship or praise music. It drowns out the sound of their voice and they feel more comfortable joining in corporate singing. This could be associated to a maturity of faith, knowing that God is actually listening to our hearts and our faith declaration, rather than our pitch, volume or tone. Personally, I think I’ve got used to it over the years. Now it’s more of how can I use that which I have been given to express to God my thanks. Our voices are a tool to give God the praise that is due to him, just like our dance / movement.
Psalms 149v 3
Let’s praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbal and harp.
Psalm 59v 17
I will lift my voice to sing your praise, O my strength. As we continue into week 3 of ‘ the shift’ Corporate is the focus. To be as one, in one place in one accord.
Colossians 3v16.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teachings and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in all your hearts.
In the time of restriction and lockdown it seems almost impossible to be of one accord together singing spiritual songs, but remember we are of one spirit ( 1 Cor 12v13), not limited by location. The Holy Spirit is not bound by postcode or COVID tiers. The bible reminders us in tough times not to forget to meet with our brothers and sisters in Christ to share thoughts, scripture and encouraging words. If you stay away for too long it can often lead to isolation not just physically but mentally, which if untreated or unaddressed can lead to loneliness. Loneliness at times can be a challenging place to come out of, even more if you don’t have a strong support network around you.
Hebrews 10v35
‘Not forsaking our meeting together, as is the habit of some, but encourage one another, and all the more, as you see the day approaching or Christ’s return.
Therefore, I encourage you to try and find time together with those who share your passions, who you can raise up holy hands, laugh, cry and praise together.
By Matthew Elliot