Loving Kindness
This quote is from an illustrated coffee table book by Charlie Mackesy. You may have heard of it.
Have you grown up to be kind?
I’m not always kind. I’m sometimes impatient; I’ll say sharp words, I’m ill-tempered and ‘react’ to situations instead of ‘responding’ to them. Perhaps you’re similar to me? When the pressure is on (worry, stress, anxiety etc), the worst can come out of us and kindness flies out of the window. And yet, in a world that can be quite cruel, kindness is a heavenly weapon that can encourage a person and rescue a situation. When people have had new struggles and disappointments in this last year, kindness has been the thing that has saved some people’s lives.
Scripture tells us of God’s lovingkindness. The Hebrew ‘Checed’ is translated as ‘love’ or ‘kindness’ interchangeably = lovingkindness. God’s checed toward us also includes His goodness, mercy, gentleness and tenderness interwoven in the meaning. He tells us further through the writings of Paul that, “Love is kind” (1 Cor 13:4). If you are kind, you are also expressing love. Jesus said that people would know you are His disciples, “…if you love one another” (John 13:35). Kindness is a selfless act to one another and when expressed, it incorporates that unconditional aspect of agape love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13. How life-giving! In fact, the same passage tells us that, “Love never fails”! A kind act alway brings success!
An expression of kindness can come in many different forms. A kind word, for example, “turns away wrath” (Proverbs15:1). Ask God this week, “Lord, who needs a kind word today and what should it be?”. Hear the voice of your sweet Dad in heaven sharing his heart for his kids with you, then obey Him and release God’s lovingkindness. See it transform someone from a low mood to uplifted, hope-filled cheerfulness. See their day turn from dull to light-filled. See their motivation change from lack and apathy to success! Someone did this for me the other month - the kids and I received an anonymous box of treats and a card on the doorstep. I still have the card on my shelf to remind me of the kindness shown. Part of the card read, “God really cares about us and knows that we often worry….Be encouraged, be blessed and remember you are loved”.
It doesn’t take much to be kind. I saw a TikTok clip the other day where a presenter stated, “People need very little encouragement”. What he meant was that people need very little encouragement to make a big difference. What big difference will you make in someone’s life today?
May you be blessed with God’s lovingkindness today.
By Chrissy Mayfield