Revival Aligning Us! Part 2

It is a deep-rooted desire of our hearts to live refreshed and revived everyday by the river of God. As a community, we carry the DNA to carry the life of heaven into dry places, turning them into places of refreshment (Psalm 84:6). But first, the waters must overwhelm us. We must be revived and aligned by Jesus to release His life into our families, cities, and nation.
Isaiah 33:5-6 reveals how the rivers of revival grows and aligns us that we can be effective for the Kingdom:
“I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys. I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. I will put in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive. I will set in the desert the cypress, the plane and the pine together,”.
In this passage, the Lord has buried keys of alignment for us in this season. The rivers of revival are flowing into the dry places and they are producing 7 fruits:
1) Cedar: The Hebrew means “to stand firm” and is used as a picture of royalty.
Revival rivers align and empower us “to stand firm” in our identity as sons and daughters of the King.
2) Acacia: This tree was extremely durable and resistant to decay and was the choice of wood for the Ark of the covenant; Moses’ tabernacle; and Solomon’s temple. The waters impart a capacity to host God’s presence that endures throughout the generations.
3) Myrtle: The Hebrew means “footstool”. Revival rivers enable us to live victorious lives over the schemes of the enemy. Jesus has defeated the enemy and made him a footstool under His feet (Hebrews 1:13). He chooses to do this by crushing Satan under our feet (Romans 16:20).
4) Olive: Revival ushers in new measures of anointing. This enables us to manifest the presence and power of Holy Spirit to be conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29). The fruit of this tree needed to be pressed to bring out the oil. Being conformed is to be squeezed and shaped that we would manifest the life of Jesus.
5) Cypress: An evergreen tree, it represents healing and eternal life. Like us, the tree has been created to endure harsh conditions, manifesting the fruitfulness of Jesus’ life and healing in every season.
6) Plane: Also known as the chestnut. The Hebrew means “naked”. Revival aligns us for Kingdom purpose by stripping our flesh that we would live from our spirit man. This is the part of us that dwells in heavenly places with access to every spiritual blessing.
The waters of revival strip the natural man and reveals the strength and beauty of the inner man that is united and one with Jesus.
7) Pine: The Hebrew means “to conquer”, “advance” and “go in strength”. When revival flows through us, it aligns us to be an overcoming army that advances the
Kingdom. Fuelled with a zeal for Jesus to receive His full reward, this army advances into enemy territory with boldness to see Jesus’ “government increase with no end”
(Isaiah 9:7).

These are the keys of alignment to step into all that God has for us! As we yield to His leading in this season, Holy Spirit is growing and aligning us in all these areas.
And He does this for one reason:
“that they may see and know, may consider and understand together, that the hand of the LORD has done this.” (Isaiah 40:20).
Now that is worth aligning with the one who is revival… Jesus!

By Luke Baldwin


Called to Ministry


Aligning with Revival Part 1