
I’ve recently enjoyed a tv series called ‘Race across the World’ the contestants have to race through many countries, not able to travel by plane with no smartphones or credit cards, they only have a budget which is the equivalent of what the flight cost would be from the starting point to the end destination meaning they must find innovative ways to manage their budget and conduct their journey. If they run out of money, they must earn some more to continue the journey. The duos must also pass through five checkpoints along the way.

I found myself on the edge of my seat as they race to each checkpoint destination, in one particular episode Emon and Jamiul are racing against a husband and wife duo to the end destination, its the final checkpoint so this is it, the finale, if they are first they win the race including the big cash prize! They are exhausted, running this race for months, tired, sleeping mainly in budget hostels or on overnight coach rides, hungry from eating minimally to keep to their budget and then carrying their belongings in a large bag on their back’s they struggle to run uphill to the destination so they dump their large heavy backpacks on the side of the road and are able to run faster, with more agility and eventually win the race.

Hebrews 12 verses 1 & 2 says,
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

Firstly, notice the word “Therefore” at the start of this passage. When you see the word therefore in the bible ask yourself “What is it there for?” This time it is there to refer back to the previous chapter in where the writer writes of the heroes of faith. These heroes have run the race and with all having their own “weights” they are testaments to how we can too strip off ours and run with endurance.

Are there “weights” that are slowing you down as you run your life race? Weights of worry, distractions, expectations even weights of the past that haven’t been dealt with. Take a moment now......ask the Father, what weights are slowing me down or stopping me from running this race with endurance? and then as the writer of Hebrews tells us we strip off these weights by keeping our eyes on Jesus, our champion.

Jesus, I take off these weights that are slowing me down and i place them at your feet. I choose today to leave them there and i fix my eyes on you. Amen.


Hidden in Plain Sight