God's ways are not our ways
I was recently reading in my quiet time Joshua 2, which is the story of how 2 spies snook into Jericho.
Jericho was a walled city with thick walls and it was about to be destroyed by marching and shouting. When the spies entered the city, they were hidden on the roof by Rahab who was a prostitute. It is thought that she also ran an inn where she plied her trade.
She was pagan and a prostitute, yet when the spies spoke to her she says ‘The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on earth below’
The rest of Jericho probably thought the same but had decided to try and just carry on and hope the Israelites didn’t come near. Rahab decided she didn’t want to be against God and that she would help the spies.
We read she hid them in the roof and then lied to the king, the spies were able to get away and report back to Joshua. Before the spies left, they struck a deal that if she put a scarlet cord in her window, then whoever was in her house would be saved when the rest of the city was destroyed. She did this and her and her family were saved.
So why am I reminding us of this story? Well she was a prostitute, a pagan and a liar, and yet in hebrews11 vs 31 (which we often call heroes of the faith) she is mentioned and also in James 2 v25 it says she was considered righteous.
Wow hang on a minute, a prostitute considered righteous!!!!
So often we discount our selves and others because of life style choices. And the enemy(devil) will try and convince you that you are a nobody, he will dredge the lake and try and bring up your past. He will tell you that you are insignificant, that your life doesn’t matter, that no one sees you. And he can be very convincing and persuasive.
When I look at Rahab and her lifestyle, yes it may not be something I would choose, yet I see by faith not only was she saved, but also her family!
And it reminds me that the God of the universe sees me, that nothing I do goes un noticed by Him. He has covered my past with the blood of His son and His affection towards me is amazing. And He has wonderful plans for my life.
And if a whole family of a pagan prostitute can be saved by her faith. Then what can He achieve through me if I live a radical lifestyle, totally sold out and on fire for Him.
Don’t be quick to write yourself off, instead write yourself into Gods story, yes you have a past, we all do, but you have an amazing future. Allow God to work through you and set your community on fire for Him.
I want to leave you with one of my favourite quotes, and its been a prayer for my life for a long time.
‘The world has yet to see what God can do with, for, though, in and by a man who is fully consecrated to Him. I will try my upmost to be that man. DL Moody
By Davina Brown