Back after a half-year delay, we are now able to host you at this event; Shaking Off the Python and Leviathan Spirit's grip. It's all about freedom from patterns and hinderances that have caused delay, distraction and spiritual lethargy in your walk with Christ. If the last season left you apathetic and restricted, the new season can be full of adventure and freedom.
In your past season of struggle, did you experience any of the following:
A lack spiritual passion?
A struggle to pray?
Feelings of apathy, lethargy and procrastination that hinder your faith?
Are your finances suffering?
Being a victim of falsehoods, lies and twisted words?
Contentious situations and conflicts?
Misunderstandings and misinterpretations that cause deep wounds?
A battle with pride?
Overwhelming confusion?
If you answer, 'yes' to any of the above, it's possible that spirits such as Leviathan or Python have been operating.
It's time to experience freedom from this! Your portion in Chris is new spiritual vigour, strength, freedom, smooth transitions, fulfilling relationships and every kind of blessing in your plans and purpose.
Join us for a day of teaching and ministry. In a year of establishing plans, reforming relationships and moving forward in freedom, let this day mark the breakthrough you are needing to move forward in all that Christ has for you.
We are looking forward to serving you.
Unsure of what the Python and Leviathan spirit are? Here's a little information:
Leviathan: The Leviathan Spirit is a stealth spirit. It is assigned as an enemy of the Church to bring destruction and division. It's name, Leviathan, means means "twister", for reasons that will become obvious.The nature of this spirit is described in Isaiah 27:1 and more extensively in Job 41. It is pride that gives this spirit access into people's lives. When it is exposed for what it is, it loses its power and hold over people as soon as they repent for coming under its influence. So there is nothing to fear from Leviathan because our faith is in the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ has already won over all the powers of the evil, the victory that is ours through His blood!
Python: The Python Spirit is a stealth operation of demonic power that seeks to crush the spiritual life out of the believer. There is also a supernatural assault on finances with a view to impoverish the believer and cultivate worry, doubt and fear in the realm of financial provision and resources. This is a spirit that often goes unnoticed and is the reason for powerless and exhausted believers. And yet the Lord promises strength for the weary and to inhabit our praises. We can experience freedom.