Upcoming events.
Encounter Weekend
God’s heart is to see people achieve personal and lasting freedom, healing & wholeness. Encounter is a weekend (Thursday evening to Saturday evening) set aside to focus on learning to live free – free from habits, bondages and past failures…
Encounter Weekend
God’s heart is to see people achieve personal and lasting freedom, healing & wholeness. Encounter is a weekend (Thursday evening to Saturday evening) set aside to focus on learning to live free – free from habits, bondages and past failures…
Shaking Off The Python and Leviathan Spirit's Grip
Back after a half-year delay, we are now able to host you at this event; Shaking Off the Python and Leviathan Spirit's grip. It's all about freedom from patterns and hinderances that have caused delay, distraction and spiritual lethargy in your walk with Christ. If the last season left you apathetic and restricted, the new season can be full of adventure and freedom…
Redeeming Generational Inheritance
At Restoration Centre we've journeyed with God these last few years to understand more deeply the causes and effects of, “generational curses”. We’ve taught for many years on the subject. We’ve seen breakthroughs. And yet…. We've missed some vital truths: a fuller understanding of the complete, scandalously gracious, wholly redeeming work of Christ’s death and resurrection that really does mean we are free and forgiven of all our sins - past, present and future, including generational sin…
Freedom Day: Breaking Free from Spiritual Abuse
It is unfortunate that churches are reproducing leadership that is insecure, fearful and orphan. The results are the ugly side of leadership and in particular and in particular, a warped expression of pastoral care occurs. Heavy shepherding, control, manipulation becomes commonplace in churches where leaders are struggling to access the healing that Jesus makes available; instead through their own hurts, they injure others. In some instances the gifts of the Spirit, especially the prophetic gifts, are also warmed and tinted in their expression thus becoming a flesh/Spirit mix resulting in control, manipulation and fear…
Freedom Day: Embracing the Father's Heart
The sole purpose of Christ's life and sacrifice was to reconnect us with the Father. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; and no-one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14: 6). Jesus is the Way to the Father; He is not the end goal. Many Christians continue to live in an orphan heart. They are great friends with Jesus but remain estranged from the Father…
Freedom Evening: Shake Off the Python SPirit
Do you know you should be thriving spiritually, mentally and physically? It's God's desire that you do. And yet, do you find yourself lacking spiritual passion? Do you struggle to pray? Are the feelings of apathy, lethargy and procrastination hindering your faith? Are your finances suffering? If so, you may need to shake off the python spirit that is effecting your energy, passion and faith…
Freedom Day: Healing from Mother Wounds
This day will give you keys to understanding the why a mother-wound is the primal wound and for this reason, has consequences in our lives beyond childhood. This day also gives time to bring healing and freedom that will lead you on a journey of reintegration and renewal through a biblical model of supernatural recovery from the deepest wounds caused, either intentionally or unwittingly, by our mothers…