Revival in the Land

Hiya lovely people! Something happened this week, a little thing, but precious to me. God talks to me through nature, amongst other ways. I’ve had a camellia plant for quite a few years, it has never flowered until this year, in Manchester! (For those who don’t know, we moved from Rossendale)... Bear with… you’ll hopefully get why I started with this 😊. 

When I was a lot younger, I remember watching “Transformations” videos (They’re on You tube now), they were about community transformations through God bringing revival. They definitely should carry a cheese warning! However, they contain records of INCREDIBLE stories of what God did in the communities; the fruit, miracles, renewed lives, suicide rates dropped, freedom from addiction, healing of domestic violence and much more, the turnaround was miraculous! The hope poured out was indeed transformative.. AND GOD healed the land, deer came back, plants started flourishing, fruitfulness was manifest in the very ground. This BLEW my mind and gave me a grid for when God says “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14. I remember telling the camellia plant to become fruitful or I would need to get rid of it (I know right, I talk to plants!) SO, when the flower buds appeared, during this fast, it was a reminder of the SAME creative God, who we are intimately in relationship with, who desires to revolutionise us, to revive our land and pour out miracles beyond our wildest imaginations! 

Anyway, back to speaking to plants! Proverbs 18 v 21 says that there is the power of life and death in the tongue! OK? Seriously though, there’s a book called “The Grace Outpouring: Becoming a People of Blessing” by a guy called Roy Godwin. About a retreat centre in Wales (, a place where heaven and earth meet in miracles and encounters. Christians were given the strategy of blessing the land and so regularly walked and blessed the crops, the land, the animals, the people. The farmers were amazed at all the twin and triplet lambs that followed. There are some great stories in there too. 

All that to say, I am reminded that we have access to the riches and authority of heavenly realms. We are vessels full of God’s blessing, let’s position ourselves for overflow. Let’s be generous, let’s delight in going liberally spilling the words of God, the blessings of God, speaking them out to anyone and anything that will listen, including the land! We have the power of life and death on our tongues. Speak life, build up, don’t tear down (Eph 4v29). They will know us by our love. Let’s take back territory. Have a great day! Peace, Davina.

By Davina Brown


Use your time wisely


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