Do you know you should be thriving spiritually, mentally and physically? It's God's desire that you do. And yet, do you find yourself lacking spiritual passion? Do you struggle to pray? Are the feelings of apathy, lethargy and procrastination hindering your faith? Are your finances suffering? If so, you may need to shake off the python spirit that is effecting your energy, passion and faith.
More on The Python Spirit:
It is a stealth operation of demonic power that seeks to crush the spiritual life out of the believer. There is also a supernatural assault on finances with a view to impoverish the believer and cultivate worry, doubt and fear in the realm of financial provision and resources. This is a spirit that often goes unnoticed and is the reason for powerless and exhausted believers.
The Restoration Centre has seen significant breakthrough in warfare against this spirit. Our heart is to see every believer walking in the fulness of God's power and passionately praying and engaging in the Great Commission.