The sole purpose of Christ's life and sacrifice was to reconnect us with the Father. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; and no-one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14: 6). Jesus is the Way to the Father; He is not the end goal. Many Christians continue to live in an orphan heart. They are great friends with Jesus but remain estranged from the Father.
The Father longs that we return to Him and experience His loving, affirming and freeing embrace. In His arms we find healing, wholeness and freedom and continue in our experiential understanding of being a son/daughter of God - where our very identity is found.
This day will minister into the orphan heart, bring healing and freedom and facilitate a powerful encounter with the Father Himself. We are excited to welcome once again, Adam Graves to minister the Father's Heart to us.
Get ready for a whole new level in your faith journey.